Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Agnda for 10/21 (Maroon) and 10/22 (Gold)

1. Hate groups in the US -With your table, read about one of the hate groups on the list (let me know when you've chosen one). Your group will need to report on the following:

A. Name of Group
B. Who they hate and why
C. Where are they located
D. How they hate (What do they do? What actions do they take?)
E. Quote from a leader or member

2. Finish the Prussian Blue Documentary

3. Prussian Blue - Where are the now?

4. Is the same true for terrorists? Watch "Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State."

Assignment # 9 - Maroon, #10 - Gold

Prussian Blue Reflection (Assessment - Quiz Grade - 50 pts)

Answer each question in several complete sentences:

1. How did your understanding of Prussian Blue evolve (change) from the beginning to the end of this unit? Why has this evolution occurred? Use the term "sociological imagination" in your response.

2. Identify and explain at least three societal factors (outside influences) that have influenced the beliefs of Lamb and Lynx Gaede. What influences were they prevented from having by their mother?

3. As a society, is it more important that we support the freedom of parents to raise their kids however they see fit, or that we ensure kids are raised with morals and beliefs that society approves of?  

4. With all of this in mind, at what point is a person responsible for their own beliefs, regardless of their outside influences?

5. Think about your own life. Identify a person, or group of people, that you may have unfairly judged. Where did your assumptions/beliefs come from: parents, school, friends, the media, co-workers...? What is something you could do to start seeing this person (or group) differently? 

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