Thursday, October 22, 2015

Agenda for 10/23 (Maroon) and 10/26 (Gold)

1. "Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State" - How is this similar to Prussian Blue?

2. Do parents have the right to raise their kids how they see fit in America?

How do we learn to be members of our society? How do we know the rules? Where do get our beliefs? How do what right from wrong?

3. Socialization Keynote

4. Everybody Poops
  • How would parents use this book to socialize children? 
5. The Giving Tree
  • What is the moral of the story? Why would parents read it to their kids? How would it help SOCIALIZE kids?
6. The Feral Child
  • If a child was to receive NO socialization for the first 7 years of life, what would they NOT be able to do? What skills or abilities would they NOT have? 

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