Monday, October 26, 2015

Agenda for 10/27 and 10/28

1. An ambitious attempt is underway in the US state of Rhode Island to teach parents how to speak to their children more often. 

2. The Feral Child

  • If a child was to receive NO socialization for the first 7 years of life, what would they NOT be able to do? What skills or abilities would they NOT have? 
  • This is what happens if a person were to receive NO socialization?
3. Assignment #10 - submit through eBackpack

Read the following online articles about Socialization. Answer the questions for each article.

1. Introduction to Socialization
A. Define Socialization.

B. How did Harry and Margaret Harlow demonstrate the need for social contact? See a video of Harlow's monkeys.

2. Why Socialization Matters 

A. Why is socialization necessary for societies and cultures to continue from one generation to the next?

B. Why is socialization necessary for individuals?

C. What is your opinion on the nature v. nurture debate? 

3. Agents of Socialization

A. Briefly define/describe each of the major "agents of socialization" discussed in the article.

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