Monday, October 12, 2015

Agenda for 10/13

1. Read the two articles below about physician assisted suicide (also called physician aid in dying)

A. California legalizes Physician Assisted Suicide - click here to read

B. More detail about the new California law, and history of physician assisted suicide in the US - click here.

2. At 8:00 am begin watching "The Suicide Tourist" - click here 

3. Assignment #8

In a 2/3 of a page to one page reflection answer the following questions:
  • What is your opinion on this issue? Do you support the new law just passed in California? Why or why not? Would you like a similar law to be passed in Maine? 
  • Do you support the decision made by Craig Ewert in the film? Why or why not? If he was your father/husband/brother/son?

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