Monday, October 26, 2015

Agenda for 10/27 and 10/28

1. An ambitious attempt is underway in the US state of Rhode Island to teach parents how to speak to their children more often. 

2. The Feral Child

  • If a child was to receive NO socialization for the first 7 years of life, what would they NOT be able to do? What skills or abilities would they NOT have? 
  • This is what happens if a person were to receive NO socialization?
3. Assignment #10 - submit through eBackpack

Read the following online articles about Socialization. Answer the questions for each article.

1. Introduction to Socialization
A. Define Socialization.

B. How did Harry and Margaret Harlow demonstrate the need for social contact? See a video of Harlow's monkeys.

2. Why Socialization Matters 

A. Why is socialization necessary for societies and cultures to continue from one generation to the next?

B. Why is socialization necessary for individuals?

C. What is your opinion on the nature v. nurture debate? 

3. Agents of Socialization

A. Briefly define/describe each of the major "agents of socialization" discussed in the article.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Agenda for 10/23 (Maroon) and 10/26 (Gold)

1. "Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State" - How is this similar to Prussian Blue?

2. Do parents have the right to raise their kids how they see fit in America?

How do we learn to be members of our society? How do we know the rules? Where do get our beliefs? How do what right from wrong?

3. Socialization Keynote

4. Everybody Poops
  • How would parents use this book to socialize children? 
5. The Giving Tree
  • What is the moral of the story? Why would parents read it to their kids? How would it help SOCIALIZE kids?
6. The Feral Child
  • If a child was to receive NO socialization for the first 7 years of life, what would they NOT be able to do? What skills or abilities would they NOT have? 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Agnda for 10/21 (Maroon) and 10/22 (Gold)

1. Hate groups in the US -With your table, read about one of the hate groups on the list (let me know when you've chosen one). Your group will need to report on the following:

A. Name of Group
B. Who they hate and why
C. Where are they located
D. How they hate (What do they do? What actions do they take?)
E. Quote from a leader or member

2. Finish the Prussian Blue Documentary

3. Prussian Blue - Where are the now?

4. Is the same true for terrorists? Watch "Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State."

Assignment # 9 - Maroon, #10 - Gold

Prussian Blue Reflection (Assessment - Quiz Grade - 50 pts)

Answer each question in several complete sentences:

1. How did your understanding of Prussian Blue evolve (change) from the beginning to the end of this unit? Why has this evolution occurred? Use the term "sociological imagination" in your response.

2. Identify and explain at least three societal factors (outside influences) that have influenced the beliefs of Lamb and Lynx Gaede. What influences were they prevented from having by their mother?

3. As a society, is it more important that we support the freedom of parents to raise their kids however they see fit, or that we ensure kids are raised with morals and beliefs that society approves of?  

4. With all of this in mind, at what point is a person responsible for their own beliefs, regardless of their outside influences?

5. Think about your own life. Identify a person, or group of people, that you may have unfairly judged. Where did your assumptions/beliefs come from: parents, school, friends, the media, co-workers...? What is something you could do to start seeing this person (or group) differently? 

Agenda for 10/20 - Gold

1. Hate groups in the US - Map
2. The Two Big Factors That Determine Where Hate Groups Thrive

3. "You've got to be Carefully taught" - song from the musical South Pacific. The lyrics. 

4. Prussian Blue Documentary

Friday, October 16, 2015

Agenda for 10/16

 Toddlers and Guns!

1. Finish Presentations

2. Discuss PAS

3. Prussian Blue
HW - Assignment #8 - Prussian Blue Reflection

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Agenda for 10/15

1. Finish Presentations...who's left?
  • Kaylee?
2. Prussian Blue
HW - Assignment #8 - Prussian Blue Reflection

Monday, October 12, 2015

Agenda for 10/13

1. Read the two articles below about physician assisted suicide (also called physician aid in dying)

A. California legalizes Physician Assisted Suicide - click here to read

B. More detail about the new California law, and history of physician assisted suicide in the US - click here.

2. At 8:00 am begin watching "The Suicide Tourist" - click here 

3. Assignment #8

In a 2/3 of a page to one page reflection answer the following questions:
  • What is your opinion on this issue? Do you support the new law just passed in California? Why or why not? Would you like a similar law to be passed in Maine? 
  • Do you support the decision made by Craig Ewert in the film? Why or why not? If he was your father/husband/brother/son?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Agenda for 10/8


Agenda for 10/7

1. Presentations

2. HW - Assignment #7

1. Read: There are now more guns than people in the United States
A. What evidence from this article was the most surprising or shocking to you?  
B. How is the evidence from this article is used by both sides of the gun debate? Be specific.
2. Read: Congress quietly renewed a ban on gun-violence research
A. Do you agree that the CDC should not be researching gun violence? B. What effect has this ban had on others interested in conducted research on gun violence in America?
3. Read: Gun Violence Significantly Increased by Social Interactions
A. What social factors (social locations) put a person at a greater risk for being a victim of gun violence? B. What social factor does this article state is the greatest risk factor for gun violence?
4. Read: After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn’t Had a Similar Massacre Since.
A. Do you think American's would ever agree to the laws enacted in Australia after their 1996 massacre?
5. What is your opinion on all of this? Answer in a paragraph.
6. Find an article from a legitimate source (copy the link in your document) that matches with your opinion on guns in America.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Agenda for 10/6

Hi Everyone,

I'm out today. Please complete the following in class today. Answer all questions in one document and submit to eBackpack Assignment #7. Due 10/8.

1. Read: There are now more guns than people in the United States

A. What evidence from this article was the most suprising or shocking to you?
B. How is the evidence from this article is used by both sides of the gun debate? Be specific.

2. Read: Congress quietly renewed a ban on gun-violence research

A. Do you agree that the CDC should not be researching gun violence?
B. What effect has this ban had on others interested in conducted research on gun violence in America?

3. Read: Gun Violence Significantly Increased by Social Interactions

A. What social factors (social locations) put a person at a greater risk for being a victim of gun violence?
B. What social factor does this article state is the greatest risk factor for gun violence?

4. Read: After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn’t Had a Similar Massacre Since.

A. Do you think American's would ever agree to the laws enacted in Australia after their 1996 massacre?

5. What is your opinion on all of this? Answer in a paragraph.

6. Find an article from a legitimate source (copy the link in your document) that matches with your opinion on guns in America.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Agenda for 10/2

1. Again...

2. Finish Presentations

Agenda for 10/1

Culture Terms Review

  • Material culture
  • Nonmaterial culture 
  • ethnocentrism
  • cultural relativity
1. The influence of culture on our lives - Social Location
  • The groups people belong to because of their place or position in history and society. All people have a social location that is defined by their gender, race, social class, age, ability, religion, sexual orientation, and geographic location.
2. How does one's social location effect our life experiences? Watch this video

3. Presentations

HW - Assignment #6 - Social Location, due 10/5
  • Click here for the reading and questions for this assignment.
  • The materials are also attached to the eBackpack assignment.
  • Submit your answers to eBackpack