Monday, April 27, 2015

Agenda for 4/27 and 4/28

1. Finish Oxycontin Express

2. Continue Drug Use in America Keynote

HW - Assignment #18 - Due: 4/29 (submit your answers to the questions below to the eBackpack assignment)

Answer the following questions in a paragraph each:

1. For you, what was the most surprising, shocking, saddening, or maddening (or all of the above) about what you saw on The Oxycontin Express? Are you surprised at the extent of prescription pain killer abuse in America?

2. What do you think some of the reasons for this prescription drug crisis are beyond the personal choice to take the drug? Do you think major drug companies and doctors share any of the blame?

3. Choose three graphs about drug use in the United States from the Drugs in America - Keynote that you find the most interesting and do the following:

  •  Explain why each of those graphs are interesting to you. 
  • Show the three graphs to a family member or friend not in sociology class. Describe their response to each.
  • Analyze why you think they responded the way they did. 
4. For you, what was the most surprising, shocking, saddening, or maddening (or all of the above) about Maine's current heroin boom? (see: Maine's Heroin Crisis - video, and Maine's Heroin Crisis - article, York County's heroin crisis, Molly Parks overdose)

5. What do you think about the proposal to make Narcan (the drug that can prevent a fatal heroin overdose) more accessible to first responders and addicts? Do you agree or disagree with Gov. Lepage's opposition to that bill? (see: The political debate over a new way to save lives from Heroin overdoses?)

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