Monday, April 13, 2015

Agenda for 4/13

1. Gender Unit Assessment - Use this app (Canva) to create an info-graphic that I could use to teach future Sociology students about the core concepts of the Gender Unit.
  • All definitions/explanations of concepts need to be IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
  • You need to cite the any sources of statistics that you use that didn't come from the course blog. 
Due date: 4/17. This counts as a TEST GRADE for the Gender Unit.
Your info-graphic needs to include the following information: 
    • 6 shocking/surprising statistics about rape/sexual violence
    • 6 shocking/surprising statistics about domestic violence
    • Gender binary v. Gender Spectrum  - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender stereotypes - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender codes - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender Identity - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender Expression - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Biological Sex - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Transgender - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Social construction of gender - a definition/explanation of the concept

2. National Drug IQ Challenge

3. Drug Use in America

4. Oxycontin Express

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