Friday, April 10, 2015

Agenda for 4/10

1. The problem with "Broken Taillight Policing"
2. Pushing Back Against the Gender Codes (I went to high school with her). And I'll definitely be buying some of these clothes.
3. The Secret Life of Boys...could the societal expectations and limitations placed on boys be partly to blame for the prevalence of male abusers?
4. The final idea - the "social construction of gender." 

This is the idea that how we act/behave as men or women is not primarily caused by biology, but rather is the result of people acting in a way that will match societies expectations. Put simply, our gendered behaviors aren't natural, but instead created by society.
5. Gender Unit Assessment - Use this app to create an info-graphic that demonstrates the key understandings from the Gender Unit. All definitions/explanations of concepts need to be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You need to cite the any sources of statistics that you use that didn't come from the course blog. 

Due date: 4/16. This counts as a TEST GRADE for the Gender Unit.

Your info-graphic needs to include the following information: 
    • 6 shocking/surprising statistics about rape/sexual violence
    • 6 shocking/surprising statistics about domestic violence
    • Gender binary v. Gender Spectrum  - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender stereotypes - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender codes - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender Identity - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Gender Expression - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Biological Sex - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Transgender - a definition/explanation of the concept
    • Social construction of gender - a definition/explanation of the concept

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