Monday, May 16, 2016

Agenda for 5/17

1. Complete the following silently and individually

A. Are leaders born or made?

B. Write a list of ten essential characteristics of effective leaders.

2. Leadership Characteristics - click here for list

  • Complete the activity individually based on the list you generated at the beginning of class
  • Collect class data
  • How does our list compare to the study?

5. Gender and "Wage Gap"

How long might it take for women to close this gap?

6. One possible cause of this "gap"?

7. Respond to the following (when complete turn in to eBackpack Assignment #
A. If, indeed, the qualities our society most commonly defines as “leadership” qualities correspond to the qualities that our society most commonly define as “masculine,” how high this impact women in the workplace. How might this help to explain the "leadership gap" between men and women? How might this contribute to the "wage gap" between men and women?

B. How might the media contribute to the wage and leadership gap between men and women?

C. Defining Men and Women

I. Answer the following questions
Describe the ideal man.
Describe the ideal woman.

II. Images

Find an image that demonstrates ideal masculinity (manhood).

Find an image that demonstrate femininity (womanhood).

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