Thursday, May 12, 2016

Agenda for 5/13

1. A Just Sentence for Ethan Couch? 

An example of how money influences the criminal justice system

Where is Ethan now?

2. Citing Sources
  • At the end of your project your must have a references list. 
  • List sources and images in separate sections
  • List in alphabetical order
  • Electronic Sources: include the title of the article in quotation marks, website name in italics, and a link to specific page or article. (see example below)
  • Interviews: Baumann, Parker. Personal Interview. Conducted on 5/12/15.
  • Print Sources: Boyer, R. The Legend of John Brown. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1972. Print.
  • Images: number images in the order they appear in project, provide a link to the webpage that was the source of the image. Provide brief description of the image in parentheses.
3. Work on projects - due Thursday 5/19 (no more class time after today).

Drugs in America - Unit Project

A. For the final assignment on the "Drugs Unit," you need to research and present on an aspect of drug abuse in America, the" war on drugs," or mass incarceration. Your project should provide a detailed overview of your topic, and most importantly, explain the impact of your topic on American Society. Though you may do a topic related to something we talked about in class, you must present information beyond what was covered in class. Tell us something we don't know!

B. You may work by yourself, or in a group of up to three students.

C. You can chose ANY topic related to drugs in America (though I must approve your topic). 

Possible topics could include:
  • Perception of Drug Abuse in Society
  • Heroin Epidemic
  • Marijuana Legalization (either medical or recreational)
  • Medical Marijuana treatment for kids (cancer, epilepsy)
  • The Use of Prescription Drugs in America
  • Pharmaceutical Company Advertising
  • Pharmaceutical Company Lobbying
  • State "Three-Strike" laws (California, Oklahoma)
  • Mandatory Minimum Laws
  • The Social and Financial "Cost" of Mass Incarceration
  • Drug Use in Maine
  • Drug Use in Saco
  • Teen Drug Use
  • Comparing US Drug Policy to the Policies of Another Country
  • For-Profit Prisons
  • Crack Cocaine/Powder Cocaine Sentencing Difference
  • Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
  • Drug Testing in the Work Place
  • Alternative Drug Treatment and Harm Reduction Policies
  • Racial Housing Policies (red-lining)
  • Racial differences in Drug Arrests and Incarceration
  • Sentencing Reform Act of 1984
  • Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986
  • The 1980s Crack-Cocaine Epidemic
  • The Politics of the Drug War (Reagan and Nixon)
  • Prison Overcrowding
  • Race and Drug Laws
  • Prohibition (alcohol)
  • Meth Epidemic
  • Drugs and Crime (Gangs)
  • Mexican Drug Cartels
  • Drugs, the CIA, and Colombia
  • Illegal Drugs in Sports
  • Civil Asset Forfeiture

D. Your project should have a main point (thesis), provide the historical background of your topic, and explain the major causes and effects.

E. You need at least three reliable sources (academic or trustworthy news source) of information for you project (more about citing sources next class - but you will have to cite)

F. Your project can take any of the following forms (or others, pitch me an idea, be creative, or not):

  • 3-5 page paper
  • Video: iMovie, Adobe Voice, Explain Everything
  • 5-8 minute presentation (Keynote, Google Slides, Adobe Slate, Prezi)
  • 3-5 minute prepared speech
  • Letter to the President/Congressperson
  • Newspaper Article/Editorial
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Advertisement

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