Monday, November 30, 2015

Agenda for 11/30

1. Finish Oxycontin Express

4. Keynote - Drug Use in America - view slides 12-16 

HW - Assignment #14

Answer the following questions in a paragraph each:

1. For you, what was the most surprising, shocking, saddening, or maddening (or all of the above) about what you saw on The Oxycontin Express? Are you surprised at the extent of prescription pain killer abuse in America?

2. What do you think some of the reasons for this prescription drug crisis are beyond the personal choice to take the drug?

3. How could state law makers (politicians) in Florida, make changes to Florida's laws to reduce the prescription drug crisis? What could doctors do differently? What could drug companies do differently?

3. Discuss the responsibility of drug companies, state law makers (politicians), and doctors share in this crisis? How much of the blame do you think they share with the user who decides the take the drug?

4. Why do you think that the user is the only one who feels legal consequences (arrest and imprisonment) for the problem? Why not doctors or drug companies? Don't they produce, sell and profit from the drug much more than a street level dealer?

5. Choose three graphs (from slides 1-16) about drug use in the United States from the Drugs in America - Keynote that you find the most interesting and do the following:

  • Explain why each of those graphs are interesting to you. 
  • Show the three graphs to a family member or friend not in sociology class. Describe their response to each.
  • Analyze why you think they responded the way they did.

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