Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Agenda for 11/12 (Gold) and 11/13 (Maroon)

Hi Everyone,

I am currently away at a social studies conference. Today you will be working to prepare yourself for the Sociology Mid-term exam. Below you will find a review outline with the terms and concepts that you will need to know for the test. If there is a question you should answer it, if there is just a term or concept, you should write a definition or explanation. You will not be expected to memorize "textbook" definitions on this exam, so you should focus on being able to explain things in your own words. The completed review assignment below is due on Monday 11/16 (Gold) or Tuesday 11/17 (Maroon) and should be uploaded to eBackpack Assignment #13. The test will be taken in class on Wednesday 11/18 (Gold) or Thursday 11/19 (Maroon). Thanks!

Assignment #13 - Sociology Mid-term Review Assignment

Terms/Concepts that you NEED to know:

A. Sociological Imagination, Categories and Labels - click here for the blog post that can help you to answer many of these questions
  • Strange in the familiar - explain the concept and provide and example
  • General in the particular - explain the concept and provide and example
  • Beneath the waterline of visibility - explain the concept and provide and example
  • "This is Water" -  explain the main point of the video and how it connects to the "sociological imagination." 
  • How did the rat experiment explain the power of expectations/categories?
  • Social labels - what label did you investigate and what did you learn about the social implications (positive and negative effects) of being given that label?
B. Culture - be able to explain and give an example of each term below
C. Prussian Blue and Socialization 


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