Monday, November 30, 2015

Agenda for 11/30

1. Finish Oxycontin Express

4. Keynote - Drug Use in America - view slides 12-16 

HW - Assignment #14

Answer the following questions in a paragraph each:

1. For you, what was the most surprising, shocking, saddening, or maddening (or all of the above) about what you saw on The Oxycontin Express? Are you surprised at the extent of prescription pain killer abuse in America?

2. What do you think some of the reasons for this prescription drug crisis are beyond the personal choice to take the drug?

3. How could state law makers (politicians) in Florida, make changes to Florida's laws to reduce the prescription drug crisis? What could doctors do differently? What could drug companies do differently?

3. Discuss the responsibility of drug companies, state law makers (politicians), and doctors share in this crisis? How much of the blame do you think they share with the user who decides the take the drug?

4. Why do you think that the user is the only one who feels legal consequences (arrest and imprisonment) for the problem? Why not doctors or drug companies? Don't they produce, sell and profit from the drug much more than a street level dealer?

5. Choose three graphs (from slides 1-16) about drug use in the United States from the Drugs in America - Keynote that you find the most interesting and do the following:

  • Explain why each of those graphs are interesting to you. 
  • Show the three graphs to a family member or friend not in sociology class. Describe their response to each.
  • Analyze why you think they responded the way they did.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Agenda for 11/29

1. Again...

2. Black Friday

3. Finish Oxycontin Express

4. Keynote - Drug Use in America - (slides 1-10) 

HW - Assignment #14

Answer the following questions in a paragraph each:

1. For you, what was the most surprising, shocking, saddening, or maddening (or all of the above) about what you saw on The Oxycontin Express? Are you surprised at the extent of prescription pain killer abuse in America?

2. What do you think some of the reasons for this prescription drug crisis are beyond the personal choice to take the drug? Do you think major drug companies and doctors share any of the blame?

3. Choose three graphs (from slides 1-16) about drug use in the United States from the Drugs in America - Keynote that you find the most interesting and do the following:

  • Explain why each of those graphs are interesting to you. 
  • Show the three graphs to a family member or friend not in sociology class. Describe their response to each.
  • Analyze why you think they responded the way they did.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Agenda for 11/24

1. Oxycontin Express - (watch to 15:20)

2. Keynote - Drug Use in America - (slides 1-10) 

Mr. Parise's Turkey Spectacular
1. Get a turkey (allow 1-2 days for thawing if frozen).
2. Buy a large roasting bag.
3. Spread a liberal amount of softened butter, salt and pepper between the turkey's skin and breast meat.
4. Place a chopped onion, carrots, celery, a sliced apple or orange, and roasting herbs (rosemary, oregano, thyme, etc.) inside the cavity of the bird.
5. Liberally season the outside of the bird with salt and pepper.
6. Place your turkey in the roasting bag (follow directions on box)
7. Place a small amount of water or vegetable stock in the bag along with any extra veggies.
8. Place turkey in your roasting pan UPSIDE DOWN (breast meat down)
9. Tie off bag and make a few slits in the top of the bag (follow directions on bag)
10. Cook until internal meat temp. is at least 165 degrees. Look online for approximate cooking time for the size of your turkey. No basting necessary. Keep oven closed. The more you open it, the longer it will take, and the drier the meat will be.
11. Take turkey out of oven. Flip right side up. Carve, make your gravy, and enjoy!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Agenda for 11/23

1. Oxycontin Express - (watch to 15:20)

2. Keynote - Drug Use in America - (slides 1-10)
HW - Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!

Mr. Parise's Turkey Spectacular
1. Get a turkey (allow 1-2 days for thawing if frozen).

2. Buy a large roasting bag.

3. Spread a liberal amount of softened butter, salt and pepper between the turkey's skin and breast meat.

4. Place a chopped onion, carrots, celery, a sliced apple or orange, and roasting herbs (rosemary, oregano, thyme, etc.) inside the cavity of the bird.

5. Liberally season the outside of the bird with salt and pepper.

6. Place your turkey in the roasting bag (follow directions on box)

7. Place a small amount of water or vegetable stock in the bag along with any extra veggies.

8. Place turkey in your roasting pan UPSIDE DOWN (breast meat down)

9. Tie off bag and make a few slits in the top of the bag (follow directions on bag)

10. Cook until internal meat temp. is at least 165 degrees. Look online for approximate cooking time for the size of your turkey. No basting necessary. Keep oven closed. The more you open it, the longer it will take, and the drier the meat will be.

11. Take turkey out of oven. Flip right side up. Carve, make your gravy, and enjoy!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Agenda for 11/20

1. Syrian Refugees?

2. How do our opinions match up against the majority of Americans from this Pew poll on drug use in America.  

3. Keynote - Drug Use in America - (slides 1-10)

HW - None

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Agenda for 11/18

1. Sociology Mid-term! Have fun.

Agenda for 11/16/15

1. 60 Minutes - The Paris Attacks

2. Anyone remember 7/18/15? Or 11/12/15?
3.  Review for test

Terms/Concepts that you NEED to know:

A. Sociological Imagination, Categories and Labels - click here for the blog post that can help you to answer many of these questions
  • Strange in the familiar - explain the concept and provide and example
  • General in the particular - explain the concept and provide and example
  • Beneath the waterline of visibility - explain the concept and provide and example
  • "This is Water" -  explain the main point of the video and how it connects to the "sociological imagination." 
  • How did the rat experiment explain the power of expectations/categories?
  • Social labels - what label did you investigate and what did you learn about the social implications (positive and negative effects) of being given that label?
B. Culture - be able to explain and give an example of each term below
C. Prussian Blue and Socialization 
4. Drug use in it's different from other countries.

5. Keynote - Drug Use in America

Monday, November 16, 2015

Agenda for 11/16

1.  Review for test

Terms/Concepts that you NEED to know:

A. Sociological Imagination, Categories and Labels - click here for the blog post that can help you to answer many of these questions
  • Strange in the familiar - explain the concept and provide and example
  • General in the particular - explain the concept and provide and example
  • Beneath the waterline of visibility - explain the concept and provide and example
  • "This is Water" -  explain the main point of the video and how it connects to the "sociological imagination." 
  • How did the rat experiment explain the power of expectations/categories?
  • Social labels - what label did you investigate and what did you learn about the social implications (positive and negative effects) of being given that label?
B. Culture - be able to explain and give an example of each term below
C. Prussian Blue and Socialization 
2. Drugs deaths by continent

3. How do our opinions match up against the majority of Americans from this Pew poll on drug use in America.  
3. Drug use in it's different from other countries.

6. Keynote - Drug Use in America

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Agenda for 11/12 (Gold) and 11/13 (Maroon)

Hi Everyone,

I am currently away at a social studies conference. Today you will be working to prepare yourself for the Sociology Mid-term exam. Below you will find a review outline with the terms and concepts that you will need to know for the test. If there is a question you should answer it, if there is just a term or concept, you should write a definition or explanation. You will not be expected to memorize "textbook" definitions on this exam, so you should focus on being able to explain things in your own words. The completed review assignment below is due on Monday 11/16 (Gold) or Tuesday 11/17 (Maroon) and should be uploaded to eBackpack Assignment #13. The test will be taken in class on Wednesday 11/18 (Gold) or Thursday 11/19 (Maroon). Thanks!

Assignment #13 - Sociology Mid-term Review Assignment

Terms/Concepts that you NEED to know:

A. Sociological Imagination, Categories and Labels - click here for the blog post that can help you to answer many of these questions
  • Strange in the familiar - explain the concept and provide and example
  • General in the particular - explain the concept and provide and example
  • Beneath the waterline of visibility - explain the concept and provide and example
  • "This is Water" -  explain the main point of the video and how it connects to the "sociological imagination." 
  • How did the rat experiment explain the power of expectations/categories?
  • Social labels - what label did you investigate and what did you learn about the social implications (positive and negative effects) of being given that label?
B. Culture - be able to explain and give an example of each term below
C. Prussian Blue and Socialization 


Monday, November 9, 2015

Agenda for 11/10

1. Paid Patriotism?

2. Chris Christie on heroin/drug abuse 

3. Drugs deaths by continent

4. How do our opinions match up against the majority of Americans from this Pew poll on drug use in America.  
5. Drug use in it's different from other countries.

6. Keynote - Drug Use in America

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Agenda for 11/9

1. Paid Patriotism?

2. Chris Christie on heroin/drug abuse 

3. Read children's books
  • Please email me a link to your book -
4. Assignment #12 - Children's Book Reflection

  • A. Explain in 3-4 sentences HOW your book taught kids about your topic and your story's man message?
  • B. Which book (other than your own) do you think was most effective at teaching kids about it's topic? Why?
  • C. Why do you think parents often utilize outside sources such as books and videos for teaching their kids about important topics? 
  • D. If you could teach kids about any one thing (belief/idea/value/moral), what would it be? Why do you think kids should know about it? Where/how did you learn about this thing?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Agenda for 11/6

1. Why Are Middle-Aged White People’s Death Rates Rising? A Researcher Explains.

2. 60 minutes - America's heroin epidemic  

3. Read children's books
  • Please email me a link to your book (
4. Assignment #12 - Children's Book Reflection
  • A. Explain in 3-4 sentences HOW your book taught kids about your topic and your story's man message?
  • B. Which book (other than your own) do you think was most effective at teaching kids about it's topic? Why?
  • C. Why do you think parents often utilize outside sources such as books and videos for teaching their kids about important topics? 
  • D. If you could teach kids about any one thing (belief/idea/value/moral), what would it be? Why do you think kids should know about it? Where/how did you learn about this thing?

Agenda for 11/5

1. 60 minutes - America's heroin epidemic  
2. Work on children's books - due next class!

Writing a Children's Book - Due Monday 11/9

1. After being assigned your topic, complete the children's book brainstorming handout - Writing a Children's Book - Topic Handout
2. Write an outline for your children's book. The outline should spell out the beginning, middle and end of your book and the overall story that you want to tell. Be sure to include when you will hit the "major points" about your topic in the story.
3. Use Adobe Voice to create your children's book (choose the "Tell What Happened" template).
4. Your book must be at least 11 pages (slides), including a cover page.
5. Each page must have text and images. No more than two sentences per page, and vocabulary must be age appropriate. At least one images per slide. Images must be age appropriate and relate to the text.
6. You should be prepared to "read" your book to the class on Monday 11/9.
Grading Rubric - 50 total points
  • The book tells a clear story (beginning, middle, end) - 10 points
  • The story holds "socialization value" for parents - it clearly teaches a child about your assigned topic - 20 points
  • The book is age appropriate (writing and images) - 5 points
  • Each page follows the requirements (see above) - 5 points
  • The book is "read" to the class  - 5 points
  • Mechanics - correct spelling, punctuation, appropriate images - 5 points
  • 5 points per day deducted for late books (up to one week)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Agenda for 11/4

1. Which type of American is experiencing an increase in death rates?

2. Work on children's books - due next class!
Writing a Children's Book - Due Friday 11/6
1. After being assigned your topic, complete the children's book brainstorming handout - Writing a Children's Book - Topic Handout
2. Write an outline for your children's book. The outline should spell out the beginning, middle and end of your book and the overall story that you want to tell. Be sure to include when you will hit the "major points" about your topic in the story.
3. Use Adobe Voice to create your children's book (choose the "Tell What Happened" template).
4. Your book must be at least 11 pages (slides), including a cover page.
5. Each page must have text and images. No more than two sentences per page, and vocabulary must be age appropriate. At least one images per slide. Images must be age appropriate and relate to the text.
6. You should be prepared to "read" your book to the class on Friday 11/6.
Grading Rubric - 50 total points
  • The book tells a clear story (beginning, middle, end) - 10 points
  • The story holds "socialization value" for parents - it clearly teaches a child about your assigned topic - 20 points
  • The book is age appropriate (writing and images) - 5 points
  • Each page follows the requirements (see above) - 5 points
  • The book is "read" to the class  - 5 points
  • Mechanics - correct spelling, punctuation, appropriate images - 5 points
  • 5 points per day deducted for late books (up to one week)

Agenda for 11/3

1. Social Media Socialization

2. Assignment 11: Due Monday 11/9

Writing a Children's Book - Due Monday 11/9

1. After being assigned your topic, complete the children's book brainstorming handout - Writing a Children's Book - Topic Handout

2. Write an outline for your children's book. The outline should spell out the beginning, middle and end of your book and the overall story that you want to tell. Be sure to include when you will hit the "major points" about your topic in the story.

3. Use Adobe Voice to create your children's book (choose the "Tell What Happened" template).

4. Your book must be at least 11 pages (slides), including a cover page.

5. Each page must have text and images. No more than two sentences per page, and vocabulary must be age appropriate. At least one images per slide. Images must be age appropriate and relate to the text.

6. You should be prepared to "read" your book to the class on Monday 11/9.

Grading Rubric - 50 total points
  • The book tells a clear story (beginning, middle, end) - 10 points
  • The story holds "socialization value" for parents - it clearly teaches a child about your assigned topic - 20 points
  • The book is age appropriate (writing and images) - 5 points
  • Each page follows the requirements (see above) - 5 points
  • The book is "read" to the class  - 5 points
  • Mechanics - correct spelling, punctuation, appropriate images - 5 points

Monday, November 2, 2015

Agenda for 11/2

1. Social Media Socialization

2. Assignment 11: Due Friday 11/6

Writing a Children's Book - Due Wednesday 11/4

1. After being assigned your topic, complete the children's book brainstorming handout - Writing a Children's Book - Topic Handout

2. Write an outline for your children's book. The outline should spell out the beginning, middle and end of your book and the overall story that you want to tell. Be sure to include when you will hit the "major points" about your topic in the story.

3. Use Adobe Voice to create your children's book (choose the "Tell What Happened" template).

4. Your book must be at least 11 pages (slides), including a cover page.

5. Each page must have text and images. No more than two sentences per page, and vocabulary must be age appropriate. At least one images per slide. Images must be age appropriate and relate to the text.

6. You should be prepared to "read" your book to the class on Wednesday 11/4.

Grading Rubric - 50 total points
  • The book tells a clear story (beginning, middle, end) - 10 points
  • The story holds "socialization value" for parents - it clearly teaches a child about your assigned topic - 20 points
  • The book is age appropriate (writing and images) - 5 points
  • Each page follows the requirements (see above) - 5 points
  • The book is "read" to the class  - 5 points
  • Mechanics - correct spelling, punctuation, appropriate images - 5 points