Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Agenda for 5/19

1. Deadly Shoot-out among biker gangs in Waco, TX. Why are they destroying their community?

2. White-On-White Crime Strikes Again In Waco

3. The problem with the "white culture of violence"

4. Bill O'Reilly - "President Obama and the Race Problem"
5. FBI 2010 National Crime Statistics - who really commits the most crime?   

6. The "Affluenza" defense. What was the role of race and/or class?

HW - Assignment #23 (Maroon), Assignment #24 (Gold) - respond to each question below in a paragraph. 

1. Why do you believe race is often suggested as a cause of criminal behavior for blacks in America, yet race is almost never suggested as a reason for the criminal behavior of whites?

2. Do you believe Ethan Couch (see item #6 above) would have received the same sentence if he were black and/or poor. Discuss what you think the role of race and class was in his sentencing. What do you think played the biggest role in his sentence, race or class? Do you believe that our justice system is truly "blind" in terms of a person's race and class?

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