Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Agenda for 4/26

1. So what happens to Todd? 

2. Maine's Heroin Crisis and Lepage Vetoes Narcan Law

3. Herion Treatment and Harm Reduction Options

Group A. Abstinence Programs and Support Groups (Narcotics Anonymous)
Group B. Methadone
Group C. Suboxone
Group D. Needle Exchanges
Group E. Vancouver's Supervised Injection Site and proposed for Ithaca, NY

A. Your group must present to the class about your assigned topic. For your presentation, you may use of the following methods:

- Adobe Voice
- iMovie
- Prezi
- Adobe Slate
- Canva

B. Your presentation must answer the following questions about your topic:

- How does it work? 
- Does it work (how effective)?
- Reasons for controversy? Pros/Cons?
- How widely utilized in the United States (or Maine)?
- What is the cost?

C. Due at the start of class on Friday 4/30

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