Thursday, April 28, 2016

Agenda for 4/29

1. The changing demographics (and response) to heroin abuse

2. Heroin Treatment Presentations

3. Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients?

4. Should we drug test everyone who receives government benefits?

HW - Assignment #10

Answer the following questions in a paragraph each:

1. For you, what was the most surprising, shocking, saddening, or maddening (or all of the above) about what you saw on The Oxycontin Express? Are you surprised at the extent of prescription pain killer abuse in America?

2. How could state law makers (politicians) in Florida, make changes to Florida's laws to reduce the prescription drug crisis? What could doctors do differently? What could drug companies do differently? 

3. Discuss the responsibility of drug companies, state law makers (politicians), and doctors share in this crisis? How much of the blame do you think they share with the user who decides the take the drug?

4. Why do you think that the user is the only one who feels legal consequences (arrest and imprisonment) for the problem? Why not doctors or drug companies? Don't they produce, sell and profit from the drug much more than a street level dealer?

5. Choose three graphs (from slides 1-16) about drug use in the United States from the Drugs in America - Keynote that you find the most interesting and do the following:
  • Explain why each of those graphs are interesting to you.
6. What are your opinions on the various approaches heroin treatment and harm reduction? Are there any that you agree or disagree with particularly strongly? Why? 

7. Read this article about the debate surrounding drug testing for welfare recipients in Maine: 
  • What is your POV on this issue? Discuss and explain your opinion in a substantial paragraph. 
  • Be sure to provide specific reasons for your opinions. 
  • Provide and analyze at least one quote from the article to support your opinion.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Agenda for 4/28

Hello students! I will not be in class today, so below is the assignment.

1. Read: So what happens to Todd? 

2. Watch: Maine's Heroin Crisis 

3. So what are our options for dealing with the heroin crisis beyond arrests and jail time? Below are five ways that communities are dealing with heroin addiction. Some of these attempt to end the addiction, while others try to reduce the harm of heroin addiction. You will be working with the students at your table to create presentation that teaches the class about one of these approaches. 

Heroin Treatment and Harm Reduction Options

Table 1. Abstinence Programs and Support Groups (Narcotics Anonymous)
Table 2. Methadone
Table 3. Suboxone
Table 4. Needle Exchanges
Table 5. Vancouver's Supervised Injection Site and proposed for Ithaca, NY

Table 1 is closest to the door. Table 5 is at the opposite end.

A. Your group must present to the class about your assigned topic. For your presentation, you may use one of the following methods:

- Adobe Voice
- iMovie
- Prezi
- Adobe Slate
- Canva

B. Your presentation must answer the following questions about your topic:

- How does it work? 
- Does it work (how effective)?
- Reasons for controversy? Pros/Cons?
- How widely utilized in the United States (or Maine)?
- What is the cost?

C. Due at the start of class on Monday 5/2 (you will be presenting)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Agenda for 4/26

1. So what happens to Todd? 

2. Maine's Heroin Crisis and Lepage Vetoes Narcan Law

3. Herion Treatment and Harm Reduction Options

Group A. Abstinence Programs and Support Groups (Narcotics Anonymous)
Group B. Methadone
Group C. Suboxone
Group D. Needle Exchanges
Group E. Vancouver's Supervised Injection Site and proposed for Ithaca, NY

A. Your group must present to the class about your assigned topic. For your presentation, you may use of the following methods:

- Adobe Voice
- iMovie
- Prezi
- Adobe Slate
- Canva

B. Your presentation must answer the following questions about your topic:

- How does it work? 
- Does it work (how effective)?
- Reasons for controversy? Pros/Cons?
- How widely utilized in the United States (or Maine)?
- What is the cost?

C. Due at the start of class on Friday 4/30

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Agenda for 4/25

1. So what happens to Todd? 

2. Maine's Heroin Crisis

3. Keynote - Drug Use in America - view slides 12-16

4. Oxycontin: Purdue Pharma's Painful Medicine

5. Doctor convicted of Murder for overdose deaths

6. How many users/dealers are arrested?

7. Opiate Addiction Treatment Options

- Research the basic info about your groups assigned treatment option

- How does it work? 
- Does it work (how effective)?
- Reasons for controversy? Pros/Cons?
- How widely utilized in the United States (or Maine)?
- What is the cost?

- Create a shared Google Doc to record your group's research.
- Have research completed for next class.

Group A. Abstinence Programs and Support Groups (Narcotics Anonymous)
Group B. Methadone
Group C. Suboxone
Group D. Needle Exchanges
Group E. Vancouver's Supervised Injection Site and proposed for Ithaca, NY

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Agenda for 4/4

1. Drugs deaths by continent 

2. Monitoring the Future - teen drug survey

3. How do our opinions match up against the majority of Americans from this Pew poll on drug use in America.  

  • What is the sample size for this survey?

4. Drug use in it's different from other countries. 

  • Read, and with your table, identify which point, statistic, idea is the most surprising, shocking, or interesting to your table.

5. Drug Use in America - Keynote

  • Which drug do people overdose from the most?

6. Begin "Oxycontin Express"

HW - Study for Mid-term. Review questions (Assignment #9) due next class