Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Agenda for 3/30

1. 60 minutes - America's heroin epidemic  

A. What is deviance?
B. What are some examples of deviance?
C. What are some examples of informal social control?
D. What are some examples of formal social controls?
E. How does the functionalist theory explain crime and deviance? Be sure to explain how crime: 

    identifies the failure of social structures
    reinforces the societal norms and promote social unity
    leads to social change
F. What is the major criticism of the functionalist perspective of crime?

3. How could we analyze the current heroin epidemic using functionalist theory?

4. Review for Sociology Mid-Term (on Thursday 4/7)

Terms/Concepts that you NEED to know:

A. Sociological Imagination, Categories and Labels - click here for the blog post that can help you to answer many of these questions

    Social labels - what label did you investigate and what did you learn about the social implications (positive and negative effects) of being given that label?

B. Symbolic Interactionism

C. Culture - be able to explain and give an example of each term below

    material culture

D. Prussian Blue and Socialization 

    Describe the changes in the Prussian Blue girls from childhood to adulthood. What were the major influences in their feelings of hate?
    Describe what happens in situations when a person receives no socialization (like Danielle).
    How did your children's book teach kids about your topic?

HW - Complete the above

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