Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Agenda for 2/10

1. The Sinking Ship.
  • Your group must determine which four of the twelve people listed below get a seat on the life boat. You should have a clear reason for why you chose the four that you did (and why you chose not to save the others). 

Connection to symbolic interactionism?

2. Social Labels Project - Adobe Slate

Go to App Store on your iPad to download Adobe Slate

A. Choose ANY social label. Describe that label. When people use that label to describe someone, what are the unstated assumptions about the person are implied by the use of that label. Does the label carry a positive or negative connotation? Is the label one that a person would give themselves, or that someone would give someone else, or both?

B. Ask 5 people to describe what they think of when asked to imagine a person who is given the label you are investigating. Record their answers.

C. Analyze the possible social advantages or disadvantages of being given this label. Is it more likely to positively or negatively impact a person's life, self-esteem, or social status? Move them up or down the social ladder? Make them an "us" or a "them."

D. Identify and analyze one label that others have placed on you? What impact has that label played in how you live your life? Have you ever done anything that you personally did not want to do in order to fulfill the expectations of your label? Explain.

Your project must include the information from letters A-D above.

- Grading Rubric

1. The project contains all necessary information (A-D), and is accurate - 40 pts 
2. The information is presented in an aesthetically pleasing and creative way - 10 pts
3. The project is free of grammar and punctuation errors - 10

Due - 2/23

Late Policy - 6 points deducted for each day late, up to one week. After one week, the maximum grade is a 50%.

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