Monday, September 21, 2015

Agenda for 9/22

1. More about the label "Muslim." Unfit to be president? Our societies greatest problem?  

Why do people "follow" others with these beliefs? Group think and conformity.

2. Read - Defined by Your Category

3. Social Labels Project - see requirements below

A. You now need to present what you wrote about your label in some sort of visual, creative way. I am open to different ways to present your work, but it must be a primarily visual medium than can be shared with the class (without you having to present it - it should speak for itself). Keynote and Powerpoint are NOT allowed.

Some suggestions would be:
  • Adobe Voice (iPad app)
  • Canva (iPad app)
  • iMovie (Ipad app)
  • Prezi (iPad app)
  • Other applications must be approved by Mr. Parise
B. Your presentation must include the information from letters A-D (not E) from assignment #4.

C. Grading Rubric

1. The presentation contains all necessary information (A-D), and is accurate - 50 pts
2. The information is presented in an aesthetically pleasing and creative way - 20 pts
3. The presentation is free of grammar and punctuation errors - 10
4. The presentation uses an approved presentation medium - 10
5. The presentation is shared with the class - 10

D. Due - 9/28 - counts as a TEST grade

E. Late Policy - 10 points deducted for each day late, up to one week. After one week, you may not turn in the assignment (you'll get a zero.

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