Thursday, October 16, 2014

Agenda for 10/16

1. Go this link:

2. Watch the fourth video from the top of the page title "Miss Representation."
  • If you have them, you may plug in head phones and watch on your own. If you do not have head phones, think about watching with others who are also without head phones as well.
3. HW - After watching the video, write a minimum ONE PAGED TYPED reflection (Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced, 1-inch margins). Your reflection should address the following points:
  • What lasting thoughts and questions were you left with after watching the documentary? Explain.
  • Did it open your eyes to something new, or confirm something you already knew? Is this something that most people know about? Explain.
  • What do you think is the most important "take-away" message of the documentary? Do you agree or disagree with this message? Explain.
  •  Do you think our society will ever change in a significant way, or is our society too locked into our gender expectations and identities for significant change to happen? Explain

4. Submit reflection to he eBackpack assignment - "Miss Representation Reflection."

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