Thursday, September 25, 2014

Agenda for 9/25

1. The Giving Tree - What is the moral of the story? Why would parents read it to their kids? How would it help SOCIALIZE kids?

2. Sesame St. Socialization
  • Choose a video from the list of topics found on the website linked to above.
  • Summarize the main moral, or message of your video, by commenting directly on this blog post. Be sure to include your name with your comment.
3. Assignment # 6 - Writing a Children's Book - Due: (9/30)

1. After being assigned your topic, complete the children's book brainstorming handout - Writing a Children's Book - Topic Handout

2. Write an outline for your children's book. The outline should spell out the beginning, middle and end of your book and the overall story that you want to tell. Be sure to include when you will hit the "major points" about your topic in the story.

(Steps 1 and 2 DUE for class on Friday 9/26)

3. Use Adobe Voice to create your children's book (we will work with this next class).

4. Your book must be at least 11 pages (slides), including a cover page.

5. Each page must have text and images. No more than two sentences per page, and vocabulary must be age appropriate. At least 2-3 images per slide. Images must be age appropriate and relate to the text.

6. You should be prepared to "read" your book to the class on Tuesday 9/30.

Grading Rubric - 50 total points
  • The book tells a clear story (beginning, middle, end) - 10 points
  • The story holds "socialization value" for parents - it clearly teaches a child about your assigned topic - 20 points
  • The book is age appropriate (writing and images) - 5 points
  • Each page follows the requirements (see above) - 5 points
  • The book is "read" to the class  - 5 points
  • Mechanics - correct spelling, punctuation, appropriate images - 5 points


  1. The video was about sharing because if you share it makes everyone happy.

    Cam Bilodeau

  2. This video was teaching children that it is okay to share. When you share it makes you happy and other people happy. When you don't share you can get angry and sad.

    Ryan Hall

  3. This video is about sharing. If you share then everyone gets a turn with the bike and no one feels left out.
    Riley Donovan

  4. The moral of the video was that there are a bunch of different shades of skin in the world, and that we all have our own skin tone. Sometimes the people around us have a different shade than we do, but it's okay because we all have skin. If we get a booboo on our skin, it will heal.

    Taylar Lamontagne

  5. This video is probably meant to teach kids how to talk and say sounds, in this case the letter "G". They spend the entire vid singing about the letter of the day clearly attempting to provoke the audience to say the letter of the day.


  6. The video I chose to watchhow skin is something everyone has. It states that no matter what color your skin is we all have it so we are all the same. A parent may show their child this because children will look at all races to be equal not one is greater than the other.

    Katelyn Smith

  7. My video was about sharing a bicycle between the Cookie Monster and Herry. They are fighting and Kermit tells them that both of them can use it. I think parents would want them to see this so kids learn to not fight but to strategize a way to share some equally and everyone is happy.

    Avalon Fedder

  8. The Beautiful Skin Song is about accepting your own skin (the color of it) and accepting other people's skin. It's about tying all skin colors together instead of making them different. They are trying to diminish racism.


  9. This video is about raising your hand when you ask/say something in school because it is the polite thing to do

    -Lyric DeSimone

  10. The beautiful skin video is encouraging young viewers to take pride in their skin color. This video also informs the watcher that there are different kinds of skin colors and that this is normal.

  11. The moral of this video is to try and teach children how to share. It's also showing them the importance of taking turns.
    Taylor LaChance

  12. The video I watched taught children about sharing. It's good to learn this skill early because it will make you more generous later in life.

    Amanda Barash

  13. This video showed the importance of sharing. Cookie monster and the other guy both wanted the bike and were fighting over it so Kermit showed them how to share the bike. So they both ate the bike together and everyone was happy.

    -Jake Ronnow

  14. I watched the "Beautiful Skin Song" this video's purpose is to teach children that diversity is good and that the color of someone's skin doesn't make them bad, it's just a color.Hannah S.

  15. I watched the video about raising your hand in school. It has a very clear message that if you wait your turn, eventually you will be heard.

    Jacob Moulton

  16. The moral of the story is that if you break something you should fix it. Even if you do mess up or break something you should always at least try fix what happened.

    -Jessie woodward
